Çaglayan (Chaghlayan) Magazine invites all young photographers to submit work that uniquely reflects the theme of peace or peace-building efforts on a local or global scale.
Theme: The theme of the photography contest is ‘Culture of Coexistence’. It aims to emphasize that it is possible and beautiful to live together despite differences such as ethnicity, religion and language.
Objective: To enable young people to express themselves in the universal language of art, to develop their aesthetic perspective and to enable them to recognize the beauty around them. As Çağlayan Magazine, we want to support the original ideas and talents of young people, whether amateur or professional.
The contest is organized in conjunction with an international symposium entitled “Culture of Coexistence”. The winning and selected works will be exhibited at the symposium, which will take place in the Netherlands on May 17, 2025.
Our jury members will evaluate the photographs according to the criteria of aesthetics, composition, theme appropriateness and originality.
Members of Jury:
- William Morel, Professor of Photography, St John’s University, New York
- Justin İde, Documentary Photographer
- Melissa Sue Gerrits, Photo Journalist
- Ray Pfeiffer, Photo Journalist
- Anyone over the age of 15, not yet 26, and interested in photography can participate in the contest, except for Çağlayan magazine employees, jury members and their first-degree relatives.
- Each participant can submit a maximum of 3 color or black and white works.
- Photographs will not be altered except for minor improvements such as cropping, adjusting color saturation, sharpness, blur and contrast correction.
- Photos created with artificial intelligence will not be accepted.
- Photos that received an award previously will not be accepted.
- The photo owner confirms that the photo uploaded to the system for the contest belongs entirely to him/her and that all permissions have been obtained and permission has been granted to publish it in print or in the media.
- Çağlayan magazine will have the right to use the photographs for publication and for promotional materials.
- Selected photographs will be exhibited at the Çağlayan Symposium exhibition.
- Photographs should be sent with an explanation note about where they were taken and other pertinent information.
- The photographs to be submitted to the competition should be saved in JPG/JPEG format, 150-300 DPI resolution, 8-12 compression quality, with a width of at least 2400 pixels, and the size of the files should not be less than 1 MB and should not exceed 3 MB.
Content Restrictions:
– Photographs must not contain content that violates someone else’s rights.
– They must not contain brand names or trademarks.
– Photos may contain no elements of hate, racism, discrimination or illegal content.
Consent and Usage Rights:
Entrants retain the copyright to their work. However, winning photographs or photographs selected for exhibition may be used by Caglayan and affiliated organizations in their promotional materials.
Çağlayan Magazine
Entry to the contest will close on April 30, 2025 at 23:59 ET.
Announcement of Winners: Winners will be announced on May 10, 2025.
The award-winning photographs will be exhibited at the Culture of Living Together symposium, which will be held by Çağlayan Magazine in the Netherlands on May 17, 2025.